
Past Events

Our first reunion concert in Singapore !




一夜限りの Reunion Concert !


2 Violinist + 1 Pianist

3 of us met in university , music festival oner 10 years and this is our first reunion concert in Singapore


Cantabile Violin Studio Masterclass

Sun 12 March 2017


~ Learn by watch other learn ~


Learning a musical instrument cannot be achieved by only practicing at home alone, but by also learning from others and by performing in front of a live audience.




Masterclass with the Stradivari Quartet

Sun 12 Feb 2017 

~ About the Stradivari Quartet ~

Four Stradivaris, perfect musical instruments, find four musicians who bring out of them all the height and depth of human emotion that music can express. Xiaoming Wang forms together with Sebastian Bohren, Lech Antonio Uszynski and Maja Weber the Stradivari Quartet. What unites them is their love of music; what drives them is their enthusiasm for using their musical talent to tell stories; technical perfection is a basic precondition which can be allowed to slip into the background. They breathe life into the completed work: the work of Stradivari and the works of the composers. This love is something that reaches to the heart that can be felt by anyone who is able and willing to listen.


Student playing at the masterclass

The legacy of Lord Menuhin 

Jin Li & Jin Xuan Violin Recital

Sat 4 Feb 2017

Jin Li  Violin


Born into a musical family in Guangzhou, Jin Li started learning the violin at the age of five.

In 1979, he made an exception when he was admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Primary school where he studied with Yang Jianhua. A year later, he was selected by Yehudi Menuhin to study music in England under the tutelage of Menuhin himself and David Takeno. During his four years at the Yehudi Menuhin school, Jin Li, an outstanding student ,was granted a scholarship and gave many concerts throughout England as well as interviews on BBC television. Jin Li was the first violinist to perform in London's Barbican arts centre when it was officially opened in 1982. At the age of 20, he went to Indiana, USA to further his studies with world renowned violinist Josef Gingold.


In 1985, Jin made his American debut at New York's Carnegie Hall with the Royal Philharmonic orchestra, later that year, he was invited to appear with Yehudi Menuhin and the NHK symphony orchestra at the commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the United Nations which was televised worldwide. He has appeared as soloist with the Central Philharmonic Orchestra of Beijing, the Leeds Youth Orchestra and Bournemouth Symphony orchestra, and performed extensively in France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland, Egypt, Romania and China. 

In 1999, Jin Li held a concert in Guangzhou in memory of his teacher Menuhin.


Jin Li recorded Bach double violin concerto with Menuhin and the London symphony orchestra in 1981, and several violin pieces with Geoffrey Parsons in 1983. In 1998, six showpieces performed by Jin Li was chosen into a CD entitled Violin Classic under the Philips label.In 2003, his first solo CD was released in China.Until now,Jin has made 7 solo albums which caused good reviews in the music lover scene. He is currently a first violinist with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra.